Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's a new week ... a new challenge

So it's a new week .. and what does that mean?  A new challenge is up at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs.

This is Sketch #4

Click here for all the details.

But HERE is the layout that I created.  I loved the challenge of turning this one page sketch into a two page layout!

I really loved the way that this came out.
I used a few files from LSHD

Party Animal Collection (for the turtle)

Birthday Monkeys (for the Balloons)

Fancy Flourish

The picture did not turn out that great ... sorry :(  It's very rainy and dark here these days.  The good news is that my husband is working on a picture taking solution for us (he has his own hobby that requires a camera too) and hopefully we'll have it all figured out in a week or so.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

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