Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Paper piecing

I've been in a rut lately.
Not feeling all that creative.
Feeling that I do not have the ability to compete with all the wonderful crafters/artists out there selling on ebay or other craft sites.

Perhaps it's because my kids have been sick ... I have been sick ... or the weather has changed to ugliness here in the Pacific Northwest.

So, I'm taking a small step back and trying to find my love for the craft.

I've decided to just focus on some paper piecings this week.  Who knows, hopefully soon I'll have that amazing idea for a layout again .... I hope that feeling comes back soon :)

For now, I'll share my love of Raggedy Ann and Andy with you.
I grew up with a Raggedy Ann doll.  Loved her to pieces!   When Tricia at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs came out with her line of "Raggedy" dolls I just HAD to do SOMETHING with them!

Here is what I did:

In the spirit of Thanksgiving:

In the spirit of Christmas:

Of course, there is the original:

And THEN ... I tried something TOTALLY DIFFERENT!  Something that is a totally different style from what I normall do.  I really enjoyed it!  A lot of love and care went into this Bambi set.  I hope you like it!  I'd love to hear your opinions!

Thanks so much for stopping by today.   All of the above piecings are available on ebay if you have any interest in them.


  1. Poor girl, I know just how you feel. I spend a lot of time on line looking at all the fabulous creations and then I get in my craft room and I just sit there and wonder where to start. I wish I had a suggestion for you. Sometimes when I look at other people's work, it inspires me so I keep doing that. Your Raggedies are so cute - I love paper piecing too. That Bambi and Thumper is fabulous! I mean it - I LOVE that! I truly would frame it for a baby's room or even just for my craft room - love Bambi and Thumper :)

  2. love them all!! I like the bambi addition.

  3. Dawn,
    you are crazy, you are one talented lady and don't ever forget it. I think you have no problem keeping up with the competition. I was taking a look at some of your layouts and was amazed at how much talent you really have. Someday I hope to be half as good as you are. Hope this little message cheers you up a bit.

  4. Ditto! I look forward to getting that E-mail saying you have done something...... You are an an inspiration to quite a few of us...... Thank you!
