Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Springtime Friends

Today I challenged myself to complete a two page layout ... DURING THE DAY!

This is HUGE for me.  I have a one year old, and a four year old (that currently is on Spring Break from Preschool).

Well .. I did it.

It wasn't without difficulty ......

Lots of interruptions ...

A few tears .....

But hey, I DID IT!

(and I won't be doing it again for a while)

But have no fear ... I will be creating still ... it will just be in the evening hours (or napping hours) while the kiddos are sleeping.

I've managed to sneak in a TON of Little Scraps of Heaven files in this layout.  I believe it is the most number of patterns that I've ever used in one single layout!

1.  Black Bear collection
2.  Gnome in my Garden
3.  Feeling Squirrely
4.  Peeking Raccoon

Have restful evening everyone!

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