Friday, March 18, 2011

Hickory Dickory Dock

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today I just wanted to take a moment to share with you something that I've been working on for my MOMz eBay design group.  As a group we decided to challenge ourselves to create something fabulous using a Childhood story or Nursery Rhyme.   I volunteered for the "Hickory Dickory Dock" Nursery Rhyme and here is what I created.   This layout is so different from my average layouts.  I'd say it's a little less 'cutesy'.  I hope that you like it ... I love to hear your thoughts, comments and critiques too!
The mouse pattern is from the SEW and SEW set from Little Scraps of Heaven Designs.  Can you tell that I REALLY like this pattern!  It's so versatile.  I have one more project up my sleeve for these little babies.  Hopefully you'll see that next week, so keep checking back ... or better yet, sign up for my email updates and NEVER miss a post!

Also, check out my other team member's great postings for this challenge HERE!

The full layout

Close up of the left page

Close up of the right page

The nursery rhyme (first verse)

Close up of some details

The clock and mouse


The mouse

Pretty flower

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