Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Hop

I will be participating in Little Scraps of Heaven Designs first ever blog hop and I am very excited about it!

If you are wondering what a "BLOG HOP" is .... here is a definition for you:
BLOG HOP, also known as blog hopping, is to move from one blog after another to read entries and leave comments.  Often you will find a chance for giveaways and prizes during the hop.

LSHD is a fantastic paper piecing website and I hope that you will join me, and many other talented ladies as we showcase our favorite LSHD patterns, our interesting takes on them, and chances to win great stuff!

Please keep a watch on my blog daily during the bloghop (Feb 23-March 2) for your chance to win a few of my "Can't live without" scrapbooking/crafting items.

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