Saturday, January 22, 2011

My personal challenge

This year I am challenging myself with many things.  I am bound to make 2011 the best year yet!  I will be more organized, I will be more healthy, I will clear the clutter, ... and even a few more.

I also have personal challenges for my creative side.  These include, but are not limited to, the following:

-1- I am challenging myself to make all my cards this year.  If I can do them all with my scrap paper all the better!

-2- I am challenging myself to use my stamps.  I have this super cute collection that is growing but I just don't seem to use them as often as I should.  I'd like to include them in scrapbook layouts and cards (see item 1 above).

-3-I am challenging myself to try new techniques that I may not be used to or comfortable with.  I hope to post my experiences with them and perhaps share some tutorials as I learn them myself.

So ... as I think about the challenges that I've set for myself and what I have accomplished so far in 2011 I must say I am awfully proud of where I am so far, and it's only the end of January!  I have lost 10 pounds, I am eating healthy, and I have de-cluttered and organized a few areas of my home.

Now, I'm hoping to check off my next item ... making cards.   My 4 year old and I have a birthday party to go to next week.  It should be a fun time and we are both looking forward to it.   And even though I know the typical 4 year old will not necessarily appreciate a handmade card as much as some (maybe his  mother will), I'm going to do it!  I'm going to make that card!  It's my first official 'occasion' of the year..... ooops, not true, my nephew had a birthday and I did make a card (darn it me for not taking a picture!).

I plan on making my first easel card.  I am using a tutorial that I found over at Split Coast Stampers.  Have you checked them out?  They have some amazing stuff over there!   My card will also be submitted for the Little Scraps of Heaven Challenge for their sketch #5.  Another site to check out if you haven't ... great patterns.

So now here I go, committed to making this card.

Do you have any 'crafty' resolutions for yourself this year?  I'd love to hear them.

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