Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm officially a blogger!

Well, it's official .. I'm a blogger .. and I'm excited about it.

First and foremost, A thank you to Amanda Richardson for helping me get this set up .. she is a DOLL!  The blog is still under construction, but have no fear it will be clean, and up and running soon.

Now .. on to the good stuff ...

Dawn's Designs that Delight is a small venture that I started just about a year ago (2009).  I love all things scrapbooking and paper related and decided to share my work with anyone who was interested.

For me, crafting items that I intend to sell is very fun and exciting.  Why, you ask?  Well, strangely enough, the items that I create to sell are so very different from the items I create for my own personal use.  For instance, personally, I would rarely use a paper pieced item and my items for sale generally always use them.  I truly love them, I love making them, I love shading them, but they are just not my personal scrapping style .. funny, isn't it

You'll see my creations sold on eBay (and hopefully etsy soon too).  I love comments, critiques and requests.  I'll post my creations here as well as my facebook fan page (Dawn's Designs that Delight) and hope that you will follow me both places.

This blog will probably end up covering many areas of my life as sometimes I have a hard time separating things :)  You'll probably hear stories about my husband, two boys or two crazy dogs .. and a LOT of scrapbooking ideas, creations and stories.

I hope that you'll stick with me ... it will be a fun ride for us both.
Take care,

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