Friday, July 29, 2011

How Neat is that Blog Hop - July 30 - 31

Welcome to:

Where all the projects in some sort of way will be interactive.  You will see things that popup, pull, slide, wobble and even hide.  If you are arriving from Brynn's blog, you are on the right track.  If you just stumbled upon my blog, please feel free to join us for this fantastic hop by starting back at Monica's blog!
Here is the full lineup in case you get lost or miss someone. 

There is an awesome list of ladies who will be sharing some fabulous projects so be sure to leave comments for each crafty lady and become a follower of Monica's blog in order to be eligible for the SWEET CANDY.  Which you have to come back to see.  Bring a friend and get an extra chance at the prize. 

Hopefully you will come away with some new crafty ideas on how to make your cards, layouts or minis more interactive.  The possibilities are endless.... Thanks for hopping with us.

My project for the hop is an interactive card using an action wobble.

What is an action wobble you ask?

Well .. It's basically a spring that has two pieces of peel n' stick bases on each side to adhere to your project.  The spring allows for movement of the item you position it to.

I've chosen the "Rock on Boys Collection" pattern to use from Little Scraps of Heaven designs to great this really cute card.  The 'rocker' boy holds a guitar which has movement due to the spring I attached.

Here is a picture of the front of the card

In this picture you can see how the guitar 'pops' out from the card.  This is due to the fact that it is adhered with the action wobble in place

Here is a closer view.  The action wobble is actually 'going' right now... you can see how the hands are a bit out of line.

A top view of the card.  You can see the dimension that the wobble adds.

Side view of the wobble.  Notice the spring

Final close up

Other products I used on this project are as follows:
1 - SEI patterned Cardstock
3 - Papertrey Ink "Just the ticket" stamp set

I hope that you have enjoyed hopping with me .. now on to your next stop ... Head on over to Lori's Blog to see what great things she has to show you.

Last but not least ... wanna win a bit of blog candy from me?  Just do the following two things:
(1) If you are not already following this blog, do so and leave a comment here
(2) Follow my Facebook Fanpage HERE
And I will choose one winner to receive two action wobbles of your own to play with!

Have a great weekend all .. and Happy Hopping!

Some have expressed interest in the wobbles.  Mine were gifted to me, but you can find them HERE, or simply google "Action Wobble"

How Neat is that Hop - Saturday and Sunday

I hope that you will consider joining me for the "How Neat is that Hop" tomorrow beginning at 8am EST.
This will be a hop filled with lots of surprises!  I am sure that you will love it!

Friday Little Scraps of Heaven Design team challenge day

Hello all, and happy beginning of the weekend to you.

Today, I wanted to share with you a little something that I've created for the Design team challenge day.
If you are not aware, every friday the Little Scraps of Heaven Design team has a challenge to undergo.  We post our projects on Fridays, and then open the challenge to all of you.  If you participate in the challenge, you have a chance of winning some of the fantastic patterns over at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs.

Todays challenge was to Create a Christmas project and have bling or sparkle on it somewhere.  I chose to use the new "Letters to Santa"  pattern, modify it a bit with the new "Croquet set" pattern to come up with this super cute card!  I hope that you will consider joining us in our challenge this week!  You will be able to find all the details of the challenge on the DT Blog.

I hope that you have a FANTASTIC weekend .. and thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some new projects to share

Hi everyone,
First I wanted to apologize for neglecting my blog a bit.  I swear some days it feels as if I am barely able to keep my head above water.  The kids are out of school, we are out of our routines, I have design projects, projects I'm trying to make to sell, and blog hops to keep up with.  I hope you understand, but I DO plan on doing a better job on keeping my blog up to date.

I have some exciting things to share ... first, a giveaway!

Little Scraps of Heaven Designs is celebrating Christmas in July this week, and TODAY, I'm offering a giveaway.  To be entered in the giveaway, just head on over to the Little Scraps of Heaven Facebook fan page and look for my post.  Simple to enter, and I hope you'll love the prize  .... Here's a pic

Why you're there, be sure to check out all the contests and chances to win other prizes and GREAT patterns!

I've been pretty busy since my last post for the LSHD Summer Splash Blog hop.  I've been working on some great projects, and I'd love to share them with you.

Here is my latest page border featuring the Cute Kids Collection at Little Scraps of Heaven.
This border will fit across 2 12"x12" pages.

Here is a Harry Potter Layout featuring the Spellbound Wizards Collection at Little Scraps of Heaven.
This is a two 12"x12" page layout.

Here is a layout featuring the Feeling Froggy collection over at Little Scraps of Heaven.
This is a two 12"x12" page layout

I hoped that you've enjoyed my update.

Take care everyone!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Winner of the Splash of Summer Blog hop

Hi everyone, 
I hope that you enjoyed your weekend ... and REALLY hope that you've enjoyed the hop sponsored by Little Scraps of Heaven Designs!

I personally had a FABULOUS time and LOVED creating every single one of my projects.

Now .. on to what you are really here for .. the WINNER.

Drum roll please ....... The winner of the $25.00 Gift Certificate and paper piecing sets is :

Mary D 

Mary said:

"Love your Under the Sea project! I just love the file pool time fun. It is so cute. Thanks for a chance to win. Also went to facebook!"

Thank you to all who hopped with us and I hope you'll stop by again.

Mary, please email me ( with your address so I may get your prizes out to you!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Splash of Summer Blog hop (ONE DAY ONLY!!)

Hello, Welcome to the Little Scraps of Heaven Designs Blog Hop.

If you are visiting from Corrine's blog you are in the right place. If you just happened to visit my blog please start the hop on Tricia's Blog.

This is a ONE day blog hop that will last all day today, from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm US Central time. So sit back, relax, and enjoy viewing all the wonderful projects these talented artists have created.

Here is the lineup for the hop in case you get lost along the way.
Tricia's Blog
Leann's Blog
Karel's Blog
Deborah's Blog
Patricia's Blog
Tammy's Blog
Julie's Blog
Margaret's Blog
Emily's Blog
Roberta's Blog
Charlotte's Blog
Nancie's Blog
Corrine's Blog
Dawn's Blog  ***YOU ARE HERE***
Jeana's Blog
Janet's Blog
Nancy's Blog
Lisa's Blog

Thanks so much for joining us today. To be eligible to win the Grand Prize Giveaway you MUST visit each blog and leave a comment.

Here are my projects for the Splash of Summer hop:

The first project is a tag.  It showcases one of the monkeys from the Fun in the Sun Monkey Pattern kit from Little Scraps of Heaven
.  A cute little tag that can be added to a card, or a scrapbook page.

My second project is a set of paper piecings.
This set is PERFECT for celebrating that day outside in the hot sun.
For this set, I used paper piecings from the Pooltime Fun pattern set from Little Scraps of Heaven

My third project is a border that will fit a 12x12 scrapbook page.  It has a pull out tag with a cute dangling charm.  For this layout I used the "You are My Sunshine" pattern over at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs.

My last project is my BIG one.

I've been wanting to do a nautical themed layout for some time now and I was thinking about this hop I came to the realization that what goes better with sun than the sea and surf.  I chose to use the Under the Sea Collection from Little Scraps of Heaven to make this three dimensional page.  At this point I may do one of two things.  1 - Simply frame it in a 12x12 shadowbox frame and hang in my boys bathroom, or possibly turn it into a two page layout where the pictures are displayed on the right hand page.  Still not sure yet, but in either case I am REALLY happy with how this turned out and am inspired to do more nautical projects too!

I do happen to have some blog candy for you ... To enter to win the candy, all you need to do is the following:
  1. Follow this blog if you are not already a follower and leave a comment.
  2. Follow my FaceBook Fan page at Dawn's Designs that Delight.

**Want and extra entry in the blog candy drawing?  Follow the Little Scraps of Heaven Fanpage here.  Let them know I sent you over there and increase your chances of winning! **

You are entering to win a $25.00 Gift Certificate to A Cherry on Top and this paper piecing set that I have shown above:

Oh ... and Don't forget that GRAND prize that you are shooting for ... $100 cash and $100 in Patterns over at Little Scraps of Heaven.  What a fabulous grand prize Tricia has offered. 

Good luck to everyone, thanks so much for stopping by and I hope that you will pop back soon

Now ... on to your next stop.  Please head on over to Jeana's blog to see her amazing work that she has to share with you!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Splash of Summer Blog hop

Just a quick post today all ....

I just wanted you to MARK YOUR CALENDARS for an upcoming blog hop hosted by Little Scraps of Heaven Designs.

This will be a one day hop starting Midnight (Central Time) on July 9.  There will be lots of projects, inspiration and BLOG CANDY!  I hope that you will join me in this awesome hop!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Celebrate the 4th

Happy Independence Day America!

This week I have been working on a few projects that celebrate our freedom, and I would like to share them with all of you.

For my first project, I created a cute whimsical 4th of July Celebration Card.
I used Little Scraps of Heaven Designs patterns which can be found HERE.

The card type that I used is called a "Joy Fold" card, and I located a tutorial that you can use HERE.  The dimensions on my card are a bit different than this one, but it is exactly the same idea, and a FANTASTIC tutorial.  If you haven't seen all that has to offer you should definitely check it out.  Tons of ideas, inspiration and tutorials!

My next project is a two page layout that would be just perfect to showcase your Celebrations that you are sure to be having this upcoming weekend.

This was last weeks Design Team challenge project over at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs.
The challenge was to create something (anything creative) that Celebrates the 4th of July.  The one other requirement was to use stars somewhere.  I think I got the starts covered :)

I used the 4th of July collection that is available HERE
Lots of great pieces in this collection that I did not even get a chance to use on this layout.

Last but not least, I have one final layout to share.
Once again, this is for a Deisgn Team Challenge project that was due today.
The challenge was to create something utilizing a military theme and to use distressing in the project.

I chose to make a one page layout utilizing the new release "Military Kids" Collection ... you can find that HERE

For my distressing I used tea stain for the title, mat sets, and stars. I also wet the stars and crinkled them to get them more of a vintage feel to go along with the paper I chose. 

I hope you enjoyed my project and will consider doing a military themed item as well.

Finally, I wanted to let you know that there is a sale going on right now at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs for the 4th of July!  It's really a fantastic one and you can get all of the patterns that I used above .. and more.  

Fourth of July Sale going on NOW at Little Scraps of Heaven Designs
Spend $15.00 or more and get 60% off your purchase!!!
Use the code july4sale